
Join me on a journey of finding your inner beauty. Start a ripple effect of smiles.

Aiko Harada (原田愛子) is on a lifelong journey of growing her holistic approach to Yoga. Her aim is to inspire others to discover their own journey. 

Aiko fell in love with yoga when she started practising more than a decade ago.  Like many others, she enjoyed the challenging aspects of practising Asanas.  As she deepened her practice  over time,  she discovered the beauty of yoga, allowing us to connect to our body, mind, and soul. Yoga had taught her to be kind to herself. She learned to slow down and to pay closer attention to her body and mind. To further deepen her practice, Aiko studied authentic Himalayan Akhanda Yoga with Yogi Vishvektu.  This experience gave her a monumental body-mind-spirit awakening.  

In a difficult time in her life, Aiko discovered meditation.  Meditation allowed her to heal her inner scars which were affecting her well-being. Meditation gave her the much-needed space to heal her inner child; and develop her self-confidence. With meditation, she was able to work on her grief of losing a very close friend.  She has been learning and expanding her repertoire of meditation methods ever since. She continues her healing journey and wants to help others by sharing her experiences.

These ancient spiritual tools opened up to self-awareness, physical and emotional happiness.

The word “Yoga” means “unity”. The meaning of ‘unity’ is unique for each individual.  With Aiko’s  diverse skill set and experience with Yoga, Meditation and Face Yoga–it would bring tremendous joy for her to support others in their own journey of ‘unity’.

Yoga practice was one of the key foundations of her well-being during Aiko’s pregnancy. It promoted both her physical and mental health. Motherhood has also taught her the importance of self-care.  Face Yoga is another important aspect of her practice. Face Yoga provides the techniques to take care of yourself through skin care, facial exercises and nourishments.

Aiko is a certified Face Yoga teacher, under the tutelage of Face Yoga Expert, Daniel Collins. Aiko aspires to combine her knowledge of Face Yoga, Yoga and Meditation to help you promote your inner peace and happiness.  

A lady doing Yoga pose on a grass.

As a Family Support Worker, Aiko loves working with people from different cultures and backgrounds, while making an impact in their lives.

Through this experience, she has learned the importance of inclusivity. She takes pride in offering classes with diversity in mind.

Yoga practice elevates us by promoting better physical and mental health, while bringing more awareness to our needs for self-care.

This is why she wants to share such wonderful, timeless  tools and knowledge with those with a desire to improve.

She truly believes that Yoga promotes better health as well as healing physical, mental and emotional wounds.

Aiko is enjoying her journey as she deepens her practice in different aspects of Yoga everyday. She is happiest when she can experience the collective ripple effect of joy, harmony, and confidence after each session. 

Her classes are based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and  they are virtual at this time. She is excited to connect with practitioners  from all over the world!

“Be your true nature. Joyful, blissful and expandable.”

— Yogrishi Vishvketu

What Students Are Saying


Peace, balance, and strength—the unexpected outcomes of doing yoga with Aiko.

You will be rewarded with a calmer mind, a stronger body, more toned muscles and best of all—a better sleep. Numbers don’t lie—my blood pressure lowers and sleep score improves after taking yoga classes with Aiko.

Aiko’s repertoire is rich and her instructions are clear. Attending her class is my reward after a busy day. I also love that I can work at my own pace and adjust my moves to ease into harder poses.

Feed your body and your soul with Aiko’s various classes including relaxation yoga, core and strength yoga, gentle holistic yoga, meditation and face yoga.

— Sandy

I really enjoy Yoga with Aiko.

She changes the workout routine often so it is always engaging and interesting. She offers face Yoga as well that I highly recommend. My husband comments that I look younger. Thank you Aiko :)

— T.T.

Aiko is a wonderful yoga teacher. ‬ she is very sweet and brings a very positive energy to the class.
I love taking her classes because they are challenging but relaxing at the same time. It’s a great way to get a good workout and I gained so much strength and flexibility!

I really like the meditation class on Monday. Her voice is incredibly calm, it leaves me feeling deeply relaxed.

Aiko’s face yoga class is very fun I can really feel the muscles in my face and feel my face toned after the exercises.
I would highly recommend Aiko.Yoga for everyone!


I really enjoy Aiko's yoga time after my son goes to bed on weekday nights and Sunday mornings. It's great to be able to attend a yoga class at home as a mama. Aiko's yoga includes workout yoga, relaxation yoga, face yoga and meditation which gives me strength and relaxation and self confidence. With face yoga, Aiko asks for requests for areas of concern for each participant. She has a lot of knowledge regarding health and beauty. I love Aiko's personality and she is a very fun person to talk to. I've been attending her classes for 10 months. I've definitely noticed a difference in my body, face and mentality.

— C.H.