$20 (including tax)
June is such an exciting month for a lot of you because Pride Month provides space to express and be proud of who you are!!
Canada (where aiko.yoga is based) has a rich history of LGBTQ2S+, black, Ingenious and people of colours. With the hope of acknowledging and improving all aspects of people’s lives not only in Canada but also in the whole world, we have to start loving ourselves.
When you fully love and accept yourselves, you grow self-confidence and self-esteem. And it does not stop there!! If you love yourself, the love over floats you, surrounds you, and you become so attractive. Love is a must ingredient to your beauty.
For this 60 minutes virtual Face Yoga class, we will reflect love towards ourselves and reassure the spirit of “Love who you are”. This class consists of Face Yoga, self-facial massages and loving affirmations.
You will come out of this class feeling relaxed, satisfied and loving.
All positive changes start from your heart. So join us and feel good!
Clean hands
Apply any oil or cream to your hand, face and neck
A mirror if you have (optional)